My character

I’m not good at drawing so I’m to try and write this instead

They stood on the field of tormon tralcine the red dust swirling around them trampled by hundreds of storming feet, feet that are now still as the champions face each other swords raised, blades gleaming one bore the sigil of the red phoenix, the other the black moon. The phoenix raised his sword in salute, the black moon, just glared then without warning he spat on the ground, slammed his visor shut, and charged at a full sprint. Saladin closed his own visor his face calm like the sea before the storm, brought his sword to a guard position, and waited for the onslaught.

In this, I made a character that I want to be a man who is brave, calm, and controlled but can still let himself feel.

I tried to draw this scene and the results weren’t great but I’m going to post them anyway

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